●专门为气缸行业开发的耐磨活塞环。比PTFE 制成的活塞
环安装更简易。可提供jonzoo 标准材料HPP3、HPP29 等
● 免维护,自润滑
HSH 塑料活塞环标准产品均采用斜开口设计,使得安装简易和长期安全平稳运行。 | HSH plastic piston ring is designed with slipped gap that ensures easy assembly of the bearings and long term stable operation. |
HSH 塑料活塞环标准材料采用耐磨性几号的HPP3 制成,使得活塞环在高速运动下保持出色的耐磨性能。当然,也可以选择采用耐温高达250℃的HPP5 材料制成。 | HSH plastic piston ring is made from HPP3 material which is a good wear resistance polymer ensures outstanding wear resistance feature of the bearings under high speed operation condition. At the same time, an optional high temperature material HPP5 is availiable for the operation temperature up to 250℃。 |
HSH 由于斜开口设计使得安装特别简易,直接用手从开口处将轴承拉大套入活塞上推入到安装槽内即可。 | HSH slipped gap design allows an easy assembly, simply open the bearing by hand from the gap and position the bearings to the required location until it is pushed into the mounting groove. |